Are you kidding me? Get a fucking life! A protest against the "Pill." The
American Life League plans to plans to protest clinics across the country on Saturday, June 7th, against the birth control pill. The
Feminist Daily newswire reported.
The anti-contraception group American Life League (ALL) plans to protest clinics across the country on Saturday, June 7th. The protests are a part of ALL’s so-called "The Pill Kills" campaign, which falsely claims that birth control pills are abortifacients and detrimental to women’s health. June 7th marks the 43rd anniversary of Griswold v. Connecticut, the landmark 1965 Supreme Court decision that gave women the right to birth control.
Dr. Dana Stone, a board-certified OB/GYN who practices in Oklahoma City, outlines the medical inaccuracy and political motivations of the misleading campaign on "ALL's work has absolutely nothing to do with medical accuracy or maternal or fetal health. What we're seeing here is just the latest round in a grudge match that's been going on since 1965... We now face fringe movements trying to turn a woman's egg into a baby, birth control pills into a form of abortion, and all forms of contraception into murder. Call it nostalgia for the good old days, when men were men, sex was unspeakable, and women lived in fear of unintended pregnancies," writes Dr. Stone.
Media Resources: 6/2/08, 6/6/08; American Life League, and anti-contraception group, plans to protest clinics across the country on Saturday, June 7th."
The Pill doesn't kill babies, war does. Why don't they protest the war? It seams like they don't give a shit about that. They just want to control women's bodies. The conservative right has no control over my body. If I want to take the pill, I will, so will millions of other women. All I have to say to these people is, "Get a fucking life, really." Do they care about poor children that are dying around the world? Or just American "babies?" Thousands of children have been murdered in Iraq by the U.S. military. It would be better if they put their efforts in to feeding poor children around the world. They should work to stop the war in Iraq, to stop all war. Women and children suffer the most in war. Do something that can make a difference, not bitch about ill conceived notions of the Pill.
Do they even now what birth control pills do? Not all women take the pill for birth control but to treat ovarian cysts. Are they baby killers too? Am I a baby killer if I'm on the pill? Once again I say to these folks, "Get a fucking life."
What's next a protest on Viagra? I would love to see that.
No, Virginia, the Pill does NOT "Kill": How the Latest Anti-Roe Strategy Misleads WomenPro-Lifers' Plan National Protest of Contraception
fruitcakes gone wild