
7:15 a.m. murder

I woke up to the sound to crows cawing loudly and screaming alarm calls. I was trying to sleep in for another for another 10 minutes, but the loud raucous wouldn't let me sleep. It struck me that maybe they were really pissed off that a predator was in their territory. I ran outside to see a murder of crows mobbing a great horned owl. The crows were harassing and dive bombing the owl. They cawed as loudly as possible. The crows did everything to let the owl know it wasn't welcome in their territory. Once bluejay joined the crows for a while but its calls were soft in comparison. After about 10 minutes the owl had enough and flew off. The crows followed in a relentless chase.

This is the best way to find a Great Horned Owl. Crows hate owls.
The Great Horned Owl is in the middle of the photograph. A crow on the right side mobbing the owl.

The owl is in the center looking down at me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so envious of your owl sightings! I have yet to ever see one in the wild.
